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5 Ways Collaboration Tools Can Increase Productivity

by DSI

Every teacher faces the challenges of effective time management in the classroom, every single day! With so many subjects and so little time, teachers work hard to develop and find ways to make the most of their hours together with students. 

Fortunately, by using an interactive flat panel in the classroom, many teachers have increased their productivity and found that it helps them to present more meaningful lessons for their students.

Here are five ways that an interactive smart screen can help you boost productivity in your classroom.

  • Save and Easily Access Files - Using a screen allows you to save files during prep, organize them the way you want, and access them when teaching. This can save time by allowing you to share your outline or notes directly from the panel.
  • Increase Student Engagement, Reduce Management Time - An interactive flat panel helps you to create lessons that can't be duplicated on a whiteboard. It grasps your student's attention, manages their expectations, and keeps them engaged in what is being taught. The end result is that you will be able to use your teaching time more effectively!
  • Spend Less Time Reviewing - Because you can include a variety of media in your lessons, students may better grasp the concepts being taught. As you reduce lecture time, you can increase the material that your students comprehend. 
  • Improve Lesson Organization - Flat panels make planning and prepping more organized. Handwriting notes means making multiple copies as you refine your lesson. A flat panel allows you to shift thoughts, ideas, and topics around without writing a new outline. As a result, you'll spend less time in review and this allows you to focus on moving your students on to the next topic.
  • Organize Learning Activities and Games - One of the big benefits of an interactive smart panel is that they're fun to use! This makes them great platforms for learning games and activities. An interactive panel provides an opportunity to “flip” the classroom. This type of fun, interactive activity can really spark creativity and energize the classroom!

Interactive smart panels are a powerful tool that keeps students engaged and improves productivity in the classroom. Want to learn more? Ask your DSI rep about our OneScreen Touchscreen solutions. We're always here and ready to help! Let us help you design the perfect digital solution that will energize your classroom and inspire your students!


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