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Why Digitizing Your School is a Must!

Posted by DSI on Aug 27, 2021 2:50:00 PM

Every year schools, colleges, and universities welcome new students, and each year these new students result in the generation of a wide range of documents. From applications and admission forms, to report cards, attendance and behavior records, curriculum and financial aid documents, each needs to be properly processed, filed, and retrievable. Many of these documents are required by law to be kept for long periods of time.

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Topics: education, DSI, data security, collaboration, file sharing, student records, digital documents

Learn the Dangers of Unauthorized File Sharing

Posted by DSI on Jun 27, 2021 10:40:56 AM

Are you on top of how your team is sharing information within and outside of your organization? In an effort to boost productivity, your employees may be using unauthorized cloud-based apps or other workarounds to share files. This type of unauthorized software is known as “shadow IT.” Typically it flies under the radar at most companies, falling outside of allowable protocols.

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Topics: DSI, Managed IT Services, network security, unauthorized file sharing, file sharing

DSI stands for Document Solutions, Inc

Which is an apt description of the value that has driven our company to success for more than 20 years. From our humble beginnings as one of the first authorized remanufacturing companies in New Mexico to our current position as one of the most reputable office technology providers in the region, our focus has remained on developing innovative solutions for our customers.

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